Enriching Our Community with Music
Save the Date!
The MMEDO holiday "Pies & Presents" sale will run from October 7th through November 1st. We will be selling our Griggstown Pies that you know & love, which will arrive in time for Thanksgiving. They arrive frozen so you can stock your freezers for later!
Our clothing sale will be happening at the same time, so you can get a head start on holiday shopping for the music lover in your family! Apparel will arrive in time for the winter holidays and comes from Metuchen local businees AbiliTees
Fall Ad Sales are here!
Earn money for your student's account
Stay Tuned
Family members, place an ad or a booster shout-out to your student! If you have a senior, purchase an ad to celebrate their achievements. Local business can purchase an ad that will be seen by our district families. We have 200 students in the music program this year!
About Us
The Metuchen Music Enrichment & Development Organization is a 501c3 non-profit organization with the mission to provide funding, enrichment opportunities and volunteer support as needed to ensure that every student who chooses to study, learn, or perform music will have the opportunity to do so through the music programs at Metuchen High School.